by QUAN°
1. Teaser Concept
1. weitere Umsetzung gemäß den ersten Entwürfen & Meetings
Überprüfung des Gebäudes durch Architekten & Statiker
Holz- Paneele aus GFK zwischen den Geschossen
Abklärung wegen unterschiedlichen Höhen & über den Eingängen
Angebotseinholung für Paneele und Folien + Design & Konzept +
Klärung der Aufhängung der Paneele in dieser Phase
Fenster- Klebefolien im Obergeschoß (permanent)
Fenster- Klebefolien im Park- Level (temporär als Übergang & Teaser)
Design für Folien, insbesondere im Park- Level
Welches Holz?
wie bei "Flug der Dämonen" (dunkler)
einheitliches Bild
wie in der Gastro (heller)
noch eigenständig und als Unterschied zu dem schon von Dämonen eingenommenen Teil, der dunkler & grauer ist durch die Dämonen.
Gastro- Vorschlag 1
Anteasern der Neueröffnung der Gastro
dynamischer Spannungsaufbau in mehreren Etappen
Raum für Spekulationen, Rätsel und Kommentare/ Wünsche/ Ideen der Gäste (vor Ort oder in den sozialen Medien), die wir dann noch nutzen können, evtl. begleitende Umfrage
gleichzeitig neues Logo für die Gastro (u.a. auch für entsprechendes Merch)
Vorbereitungen für PHASE 3
Konzept zur zukünftigen Nutzung der Flächen auf Park- Level - (Vorbereitungen für PHASE 3)
neues Gastro- Konzept
neues Shop- Konzept inkl. neuem Merch
neue Erlebnisse
Design- Ermittlung der endgültigen Front- Fassade gemäß einem neuen Nutzungs & Storytelling/ Thematisierungs- Konzeptes​
Teile dieser Phase fließen schon in die jetzige Phase 2 mit hinein.
reconstruction of the facade
PLUS & DDS Concepts:
Revival of the locations on the ground floor, merch (guest experience + generate sales, refinance investment)
the building is far away from „Transilvania“ and was since its opening a disruptive factor for the guest- experience
ground-floor locations must be used again or at all completly, for the guests as experiences and as seasonal source of income for the park
= in between/ filling experiences between „Flug der Dämonen“ and „Scream“
„Transilvania“ is an one-sided area (only on one side are experiences, all through the land)
and another weatherproof location
80% windows
20% building
entire building
100% windows
park floor
Challenge/ Problem
big amount of windows and big windows:
most of the facade are windows
a real small part to themed
special formed windows, not a plane facade
the employees look through that big windows
•Regarding to the new Storyline: An medieval wooden Fassade with different Styles
•Vampire- & Demon- fighting village
•Regarding Design to Flug der Dämonen, Scream & Weinturm
•reflects the Storyline
•Immersive Design
•Customizable from the guests (s. Merch Concept)
•A/ The new Storyline gives the Vorgabe:
•The Village in Transilvania, the opposite pole to the Vampire- Area
•Craftmake- Street (Crucifix- Bauer, Wooden Stake Schnitzer, Knoblauch Binder, etc.)
•Pot. New Attraction
•Recycling Concept (usage of a lot of the Decorations in the HeidePark Stock- saving Money)
•Kloster Dorf/ Kloster Schänke
“Is there a simple and cheap way…”
…. it will look, feel and be bought to the guests simple and cheap
because of the form of the park- level windows we cannot easyly put a facade in front of it
it must be checked, if the connections to the windows are possible
foils are a cheap solution, but it will be the same, like the last years AND
the mix of foils and real (looking) decoration must be proofed AND
the views out of the windows are not clear with entirely foils
the aluminium structure must be believable told in the storyline, that an old Transilvania village/ monastery has such windows (form, amount and that big size)
covering them partly must be done from both sides, means also from inside
3+ Options
keeping the structure of the building
theming with mostly foils and decorations
putting facades in front of the windows
changing the structure
putting out the windows and replace them by themed walls and facades
add a building part up to the sidewalk, in front of the existing building and facade
+ going out of the existing and well knowing structure of the building
keeping the structure
–keep the windows
- a lot of foils (like now)
–Maintaining the windows, especially their size in the parking area
–therefore we need to explain why the windows in a medieval Transylvanian village/monastery are so larger than average for that period
–the building remains in its familiar basic structure
–effect: the existing building was simply covered with foil and a little decoration
–option: Roots wind around the windows (but would also have to be done from the inside)
–roof / tower elements
wooden facade on the small parts of the Building, Deco Elements like Lights, Banners, etc.
removing the windows on the park level, bigger parts of new wooden facade, same Elements
overceeling the area in front of the building, growing the place
planting big trees in front, like in the past for the BRAUHAUS
a little Steam Punk design
big corner towers with adventure and movable elements, which are eye catcher
quantitatively strong mix of slides and real decoration
effect of the loils in relation to the real elements
impaired view from inside to outside
if we cover from the outside, it must also be blinded from the inside
if w choose facades with smaller windows - how does it look when the old windows really continue behind the facade
how stable are the connections from the new facade to the window surfaces
changing the structure
•people know the bulding for centurys
•we play wit the structure, corners of the buildung and the middle part
•transform & split/ devide the buidling from one big cohesive into different sectors/ parts
•let it grow
•so we change and go out of the structure, form and size
•it doesnt feel at the first look, that we just covered the old building
•also then we have space for lightning and effects
Look like it´s a new building
use of the existing wonderful gastronomy in a new combined gastronomy & experience concept, based on the storyline (multi-year concept due to Corona employee shortage)
various craft shops
new attractions
immersive experiences
active experiences (s. merch- concept)
in Detail
shops & rxperiences
not only Shops, also Experiences regarding to the Story
äste können u.a. personalisierte Kruzefixe kaufen und diese an verschiedenen Orten im Themenbereich anbringen
•= aktive Mitgestaltung (= hoher Kaufanreiz) & hohe Identifikation & Mehreinnahmen mit hohem Mehrwert für Gäste
Immersive & interactive
interactive wooden flakes or crosses that guests can use to trigger immersive experiences, including photo spots, at specific locations in Transylvania
park can be actively experienced
•5 Jahreskonzept (wg. Corona Mitarbeitermangel)
•Kombination aus Gastronomie und Erlebnis
•2023: Monthly Changing foodtruck collegues, depending to Transilvania (why put them outside with their Foodtrucks, when we have the location, like the DRACULAS to Halloween 2022
•2024 own new Concept
Phase 1 Essen
•Wegen fehlender Mitarbeiter
•Selbstbedienung oder Kaffee- Kuchen/ Snacks
•Einmieten verschied. Externer, z.B. Foodtruck Betreiber, monatlich neu
• Sous Vide
Phase 1 Experiences
•Anti- Vampir- Dekoration
•„Kamin“ mit gefangenem Dämon
•Videos von „Wie schütze ich mich vor Vampiren und Monstern)
•Hall of Fame (erlegte Monster & Co)
•Lord Explorus erklärt seine neusten Erfindungen zur Dämonen Bekämpfung
•Lustige Plakate
Betriebsgelände Mitte
Interactibe experience
living signs
Interactive trash can (give us your energy to fight the demons) (goes straight down into a container)
Why Maze and Jelly Beans are moving
Alle Mazes nehmen exponierte Objekte & Locations ein und dies für eine Nutzungsdauer von nur 7 Tagen/ Jahr = unwirtschaftlich
replacement of always open shops & gastro with far higher sources of income for the park
Future Transilvania
your own Halloween, unique in the world, with your own storyline and characters, transferable to all MERLIN attractions and all dungeons worldwide
more and more spirits, also limited editions of only one year
constantly expanding themes through exciting new storylines
every year the guest immerses himself more intensively in the story
BOB Bahn gets an upgrade
Scream gets a story and an immersive experience for all outside guests